Friday, December 21, 2007

Character-What events trigger such change.

When Jack took control of the hotel he start to act weird due to the
spirit of the previous caretaker who became violent and crazy.
Jack had became obsessed with writing and the boiler room was of limits and that had to be refill every day. If he had forgot about it it would over boil and explode.Mean While Jack would continuously write but they weren't like the things he had previously wrote.
These were horrible things about hate and he keep repeating himself.
Eventually Jack loses himself to the spirit an tries to kill his family.

Intertextuality-Has the author brought his own experience

No the author has not brought his own experiences into the book .
It is completely fiction which means it is not true .Stephen King likes to make real life
out of the life of fictional characters to make it seem realistic.I mean who is going to
go take care of an old hotel and become possessed by a spirit and go crazy.
Now the realistic thing about this would be the fact he lost his job and needed work
so he went to take care of the hotel ,But the whole getting possessed is where the writer reminds you that this is a fictional book.

Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Intertextuality-What do you know about the author.

What i know about Stephen King is that he like the idea of scaring the hell out of his reader in this case it's me .This suspenseful master mind was forged out the gates of Portland,Maine.Stephen made his first professional short story sale ("The Glass Floor") to Startling Mystery Stories in 1967. Throughout the early years of his marriage, he continued to sell stories to men's magazines. Many of these were later gathered into the Night Shift collection or appeared in other anthologies.

Conflict-What problems do the charaters face.

Problems the Jack faces in this story he loses his job, and becomes a disgraced teacher in the eyes of the public. The people believe that he is nothing but a former alcoholic
and writer. so he takes a job as a caretaker of Overlook Hotel in Denver,Colorado This is where Jack brings his wife Wendy and son Danny for the winter because Jack needs the job.Which closes for the winter due to heavy snow storm weather. Unknowing the hotel has a history of violence the past caretaker killed his wife and two daughter.So ultimately the spirits linger in the hotel and if a spirit does not want you there in their place of rest they will let you know.
So knowing that the spirit of the former caretaker takes control of Jack and things get a little weird...

Friday, December 14, 2007

The Shining

Imagine a world where stress overcame you and you lost all control of your emotions.
Well in "The Shining" a man named Jack is having a hard time at work so he takes his wife and son to a hotel to spend a weekend.....But thing turn for the worst.
Written by Stephen King "master of terror'.
So far the book is quite dull an unexplainable.Not much has happened to tell except that his boss is giving him the third degree about responsibility.You know being on time,customers,sales things of that sort.

Thursday, September 20, 2007

Pose 4 the camera flick flick

Whats hood wit err body dont 4 get about pictures being held in the shop area in october.
At Mckinley High School.
Colors to choose from are, Amber,Purple,Grey,Blue,Orange, And Green.
The cheapest package is avalible for $11.00.